About Us

Industrial Constructs was born in January of 2012 to address the overage of vintage medical equipment that we had collected, it was not too long after that we discovered that there was a much wider venue that could be addressed.

Over the course of the last three years we have grown into an actual studio that is producing custom works of art, replica props from TV and motion pictures as well as fan inspired pieces that we have sold across several continents.

Above all, we are collectors. There is nothing that you will find in our store that we are not willing to add (or do not already have) in our personal collection. The only exception are custom works of art that the only thing that we retain from them are photos to document their creation prior to sale.

Our philosophy is very simple, "If you can't find the time to do it right the first time, how are you going to find the time to do it again?" Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We do not offer reproductions or other fan based items for sale unless we are sure as we can be that they are of the highest quality that can be found.

There are other sellers of replica props out there, there are some that are better in their fields than we are, but none that we have found surpass the quality of the items in our field(s) that we produce.

You can rest assured that you are purchasing quality products and reproductions, we methodically research every reproduction and fan based item that we produce and use the original source materials wherever possible. Our Original projects are another story altogether, those come from the heart.

You can get more information on the production of the types of products that we make from the main menu by choosing a category.